Nicole: Welcome to Modern Anarchy, the podcast featuring real conversations with conscious objectors to the status quo. I'm your host, Nicole.
On today's episode, we have Shane Norte.
Join us for a conversation about the capitalization of healing. Together we talk about the psychedelic buffet, when a giraffe tries to give a polar bear advice on how to live, and the need for free access to earth based medicines.
Hello, hello, dear listener, and welcome back to Modern Anarchy.
Thank you for tuning in for another week of learning and growing together in this space. Speaking of the capitalization of healing, it is truly so mind boggling to me that in America, private companies profit off of our medical treatment, and that in America, you can go bankrupt for medical bills. And I was looking into this for this episode.
Apparently in 2019, there was data saying that 66 percent of all bankruptcies in the United States were tied to medical issues. What is this country when other countries around the world are providing universal health care and we have 66 percent of all bankruptcies tied to medical issues? Oh, meanwhile, let's just add another fun fact on there.
The top 1 percent of American earners now have more wealth than the nation's entire middle class. 1 percent has more money than our entire middle class. So yeah, the capitalization of healing. And as a psychotherapist, right, I fall into that same category of people who make money off of healing, and, you know, I took out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to work towards my degree, so I am shackled to the system in that way, and they have lots of power over me in that large accruing debt that has grown while I'm in grad school.
While I'm still in school, the interest continues to climb higher, so, you know, Thank you, Patreon supporters. And, uh, thank you all of you listeners that keep sharing this podcast with your community and your people, because it, it makes a big difference for the, um, spreading of this work. And I also think this is why it's important for therapists to have sliding scale rates.
And we talk about having sliding scale rates down to provide more access to the medicine. And I think it's also important to have sliding scale rates up, right? If the top 1 percent of American earners have more wealth than the nation's entire middle class, I think it's important to charge each to their own ability.
Right? Seems fair, but yeah. America will continue to unpack that one for many years to come with the access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sometimes I wonder how much access we have to that life piece when you have to go into thousands of dollars of debt to be able to go to an emergency room.
Anyhow, right? Way too big of a conversation for this space. But in the last year and a half of working as a psychotherapist at Sana Healing Collective and training in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, um, I have learned a lot about these healing medicines, but there is even way more that I do not know.
So I'm really humbled by the power of these medicines and they've told me very directly to be humble. I feel like I've heard them speak to me at times that, uh, there is so much humility to have in this space for the learning that I am doing and taking you on with me, dear listener. I hope you're learning just as much as I am in these conversations.
And so I come into this space and these conversations with a lot of respect for the people who have much more expertise in this area than I do. And it's such a profound honor to hold space for these guest stories and that they trust me to hold the container and are so vulnerable with all of you, dear listeners out there, that this space truly is such a gift and Shane had talked about trusting in the movers and the shakers out there of the movement that are going to change the paradigm around earth based medicines.
And I know you, dear listener, are one of those people. So again, thank you for sending this episode, this podcast to your friends and to your community and raising our collective consciousness around these topics. Thank you. I am sending you all my love, and with that, let's tune into today's episode.
So then the first question I like to ask each guest is, how would you introduce yourself to the listeners?
Shane Norte: Well, um, hello everybody. Uh, my name is Shane Norty, uh, coming outta Southern California, the Paleo people, uh, people of the West or, um, in terms of the Spanish. And what's commonly known today is, uh, the Eno people on the La Jolla Indian Reservation. I have a, uh, 5 0 1 C3, uh, religious nonprofit. Uh, I'm here to help.
You know, people who are engaging within earth based ceremonies, and particularly, um, I offer free access to people who can't necessarily afford the couple hundred, you know, 100 to 1, 000 plus return treatments or the travels. So that's basically what we do with the church, but also preserve our traditional ways of the people and hope to offer that to anyone who's looking to heal, reground themselves and learn about earth based medicine and traditional way.
Nicole: Yeah, I'm so thankful to have you on the podcast here and I would love to unpack that if you could explain to the listeners Earth medicine, what does it mean to you?
Shane Norte: Yeah, definitely. So earth medicine to me is um any type of you know, it could be a tree It could be a plant it can be in a river. It could be a rock just anything that's earth based That's why I say earth based anything that's earth based You know to me, it's like I said, um You know, a lot of people who don't understand necessarily relationships amongst all creations, I've noticed that human beings always try to.
Put themselves above, you know, a tree above an animal, above a river, above, you know, the air, you know, all these things. So for me, I like to just include all, you know, earth, you know, medicines and earth creations. You know, that's where I see a lot of the things are Earth-based, you know?
Nicole: Mm-Hmm. . Mm-Hmm. . And then in terms of, I know I met you through the Double-blind Psychedelic Sex and Intimacy Summit.
So where does that come into earth medicines and your practice and the offerings that you have?
Shane Norte: Yeah, um as far as you know, the sex and the intimacy aspect I think once people can find themselves, like I said, um, it's not necessarily a place to bring that type of energy as far as like a first type thing, it's more of like you need to get yourself, you know, healed, get things more figured out, more grounded.
And if you're all healed, you know, just get yourself more constructed on an earth based level and an earth based feeling. And then I think after that. Whether, you know, you're intimate or you're really sexual, I think that then can play a big key because then after you have your foundation with the earth based medicine and you know yourself for who you are on earth based understanding, I think that'll just expand it anywhere, you know, because from there, I think the person if they're comfortable with their sexuality or their intimacy or however they want to be, I think once they're founded in that earth based way, they can excel however they want to in that category of, You know, their sexuality or, you know, their intimacy or however they want to, you know, put things forward.
But I think to be grounded, earth based and find yourself, I think that's a big foundation to have outside of just, you know, going out there and having fun, which there's nothing wrong with. But, um, I always say if you know you're grounded and you have a strong foundation that's earth based, I feel like that can't, can't do anybody harm in wherever they're at in their life.
Nicole: Mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm. And I think, you know, this podcast, I really love to hold space for each guest's individual story. And if you'd be comfortable, I'd love to hear your journey with these pieces, wherever that starts for you and really hold the space for your story here.
Shane Norte: Yeah, definitely. Um, I'll kind of do like a short Brief recaps on moments of, you know, the history.
So, um, yeah, I've been going with this medicine and this work for about 10 years now, since about 2013. It didn't really accelerate and start getting into the work of helping people until, um, I lost my father in 2018 to cancer. Um, I went through the whole process of, you know, seeing him be real healthy to being degenerate and, you know, passing within four months.
And so, um, after all that and going through the whole, um, Catholic church and how they, uh, you know, go through everything with their dad and everything of that nature. I just didn't sit well with me. I didn't, uh, get too much peace throwing some dirt, you know, on my dad's grave and then going away. So then after that, I got involved with some people that I met at a national unity conference back in, uh, 2000, I think it was 2015 or 14, around 14 or 15.
And, um, they practiced with Coyote and their Native American church. And so I had them come down to, um, where I was staying at my mom's land, just explain them with what happened with my father. And, uh, I just told them that I needed some more help and I wanted to get some healing because I was still hurting and kind of going through a lot at that time.
So, um, when they came through, you know, we set up a ceremony and, uh, there was about 15 plus people there, you know, as, as I was getting my healing and releasing all the, um, pain and whatnot with the death of my father. I was looking around and I noticed that, um, you know, it's not just me in here, you know, because a lot of people will collectively be like, Oh, this is my journey.
It's my personal journey, but it's like, you're not in here alone. If that was the case, you would be sitting in the ceremony by yourself with nobody to help you. No one to look at. No one. You would be literally the definition alone in here. But at that moment, I saw that all the people who were there, men and women were both.
Getting healing and, um, expressing forms of letting go of their own traumas and, and whatever was making them, you know, hold back or suffer or be sick or whatever. Maybe. So that's when it clicked with me is that if this space can help all these different people from, you know, different walks of life and different families at that too, because every person in there has a family, everybody comes from a different person, a different background, a different story.
So for it all to match together. Yeah. It made me feel good. And I said, you know, this is where I need to, you know, put this space together and help people because I'm seeing it happen in real time. So a little fast forward. I, uh, I start going within the, you know, local people, um, family, friends, and I ended up getting involved with the local, um.
Medicine person who, you know, his family was the last one to conduct the Wampkish. That's where we actually, uh, conduct our lodges is the Wampkish. It's, it's goes for big house. That's what the definition means. But, uh, yeah, so I, I basically ascribed to him, you know, what happened to my father and when I decided to build the Wampkish, but at the time I called it a lodge.
And so I asked him, you know, what was, uh, what was what we called the lodge in our language? You know, I know we had a word and that's when he was like, Oh, this is your Wampkish. You know, it's for our people. It's to help us. It's been here. Take care of it. And it's going to take care of you. And, um, so then a little fast forward after that, um, I just start working more and more, you know, with just some of my friends and my family and my mom kind of introduces me to our own petroglyphs, our own rock paintings.
And, um, that's when I see, uh, you know, our mushroom art and I see the mushrooms on there and I see other things on there, but that's when I finally clicked, you know, and I realized that, you know, we are traditional people and we come from it and, uh, You know, at that moment, it made me feel good because I was wondering why the earth medicine, you know, so cited mushrooms.
I was wondering why they felt so home to me, you know, why, why everything was just clicking, you know, and so at that moment, that's when I figured it out. So, I didn't have a church at the moment, and so I started figuring out to myself because I didn't really need to start the church because we have the native religious freedom.
If you're part of a federally recognized tribe or within the reservation boundaries, you have the right to practice any of your ceremonies or any of your practices, as long as they're within the federal land or the Indian reservation. And so that's when I was like, okay, you know, I have that, but then that's when I took it as another step further and was like, well, I want to incorporate with the state of California and, um, you know, file for religious nonprofit entity.
And, um, so I ended up doing that 2019, uh. You know, became a 501c3, got a tax exam, got recognized, all that. So then after that, I started working, like I said, um, started working with different people. This is a little fast forward now, maybe 2019, 2020, and so on. I ended up talking with a brother, building good communication with them, ended up being the CEO of D.
Crim Nature at the time. And then, uh, A little fast forward more than I ended up becoming a board member, currently a board member, uh, decriminalized nature from there, just started building the network, you know, started reaching out, started branching out to people, started to move within the mycelium network.
They like to call it sort of connecting with different people, like, uh, such as a former UFC fighter, um, Ian McCall started working with him and, uh, so I branched out with him, gave him one of his first traditional ceremonies in that aspect. You know, I started going through, you know, we were going to be on HBO, but I denied it just because of the fact of the producers were kind of disrespectful to me on how they really wanted to film the whole ceremony and they wanted to do the whole thing.
And I was telling him, you know, this is no go. So anyways, I just kind of didn't want to get into it too much with them. And so that passed by and I'm going through start meeting more and more people get involved with more special force veterans got involved with David Bronner. Dr. Barner Soaps. He sponsored our church, gave us soaps, helped us with two food drives.
He's actually been to the ceremony, been to our church. Yeah, like I said, just from there, just started working all over and branched out with former NFL player Ricky Williams. Made a little documentary and looking to make some more stuff. But, um, now You know, now that I'm seeing, um, how everything's been moving, that's kind of now where I'm glad that I had those times to, um, kind of, um, build my foundation more because I already had my, uh, my native foundation, but as far as this whole, um, conglomerate of the psychedelic buffet, I was just noticed how much fast and how much pace and, uh, Just also the lack of truth to that is not being spread within, you know, big organizations, movements, other other orgs that are working with these medicines.
And, uh, So now I'm trying to recalibrate and come back to a wholesome version of it because, um, I think the psychedelic movement needs to be shaken up in a natural aspect. We already know there's billions of dollars. We already know there's scientists. We already know there's doctors. We already know there's, you know, medical studies.
We already know all that, you know, but they don't ever, you know, talk about how natural settings play a key part into the rebuilding of our DNA and restructuring of our spirit, our physical, mental, and, uh, So yeah, that's kind of now where I'm trying to take this into this whole thing, because I always tell people, like, you can go down to compass and take com 360 and Go through the whole spill, or you could let your body naturally, you do its thing and go through a natural journey and a natural, um, you go take com 60 chances.
Are you got blinders on? You got some headphones on? You got pretty much a doctor setting. And to me, like I said, I'm not saying it's good or bad, but I know there are a lot of people out there. For one, they can't afford a lot of the things or meet the criteria of the things, but I know there's a lot of people that dig natural elements of healing, and I just think that it's not talked about as much because you got a lot of micro dosing integration, you got a lot of coaching, got a lot of psychedelic, you know, awards.
Basically, I got, I got my, um, you know, my certificate and it's like, okay, based on what based on what? I mean, obviously, I know your credentials are a little more, you know, recognizable and whatnot. But as far as when someone who's like, oh, I paid, 1, 000, 2, 000 to get certified in this 10, 15 week, 30 week, 70 week program.
And I'm like, okay, like, where are these bases that, you know, what are you going to do, you know, when this happens, or are you guys even talking about certain things? Are you guys even talking about this? Or are you guys as knowledge? Is it all based off of the Internet? You know, um, word of mouth. But is it like a lot of it, is it based off of true experience versus myself?
It's like I've worked with over 250 people from all calibers, all walks of life, and on not just micro doses, but on. 30 plus grams, 20 grams, 15 grams, 10 grams, eight grams. It's like, no one's talking about all this and it's not saying they need to, but I'm just saying if people want to accelerate the community of psychedelics, you just can't leave out the natural, you know?
And like I said, that's kind of where I'm hoping to take thing. Now when I conversate with people and meet people, it's like I've already done the test runs. We've already seen the walks of life who came through and we're here. And I think people need to hear it rather than. You know, you need to pay 5000 and go down south and you need to run through this integration and this process.
And after this call, you're going to do another follow up call. And then after you have your breakthrough, I'm going to call you back next week. I want to have a 1 on 1 meeting. And I'm just like, that's cool and all. But for myself, we do spot on integration. We do it. At the church. We do it the next day.
You know, I don't, I don't go give someone a bagel ceremony and be like, Hey bud. And then I'm gonna call you back next week. You know, we'll do a zoom call and they're just like, but no, it's not like that. And then some places like that, you know, you'll go to an org, you'll get gone through the meat grinder and they're like, okay, take your integration book, take your journal and I'll give you a call back next week.
And it's just, I'm not saying they're all like that, but majority of it, like. How many people are, are really in your interest without there being a business exchange, you know what I mean? Oh, oh, if that was this, you know, integration call money or this, this phone call or this, and I'm just like, where's the healing in that?
And I get it if people have to make an honest living and people don't have money, but If you're going to lead with, I need to make money and say, you're helping people. I don't know how much you're helping people. You know what I mean? If your main interest is to get a business exchange before you even give them help.
Nicole: Yeah. The capitalism of healing, right? I'm so thankful that you're in this space and thank you for sharing your personal narrative and how you got here. And I was just feeling this overwhelming sense of God. We need you. You know, thank you for doing this work and thank you for spreading the truth. Right.
And your experience with this. And yeah, as you were talking, I was thinking about how, like, oh, we can take it even deeper and lower. You know, I, um, in my work, I hear of a lot of, uh, clients who have gone to ketamine infusion clinics around the city of Chicago, since that's completely legal. And they talked to me about these experiences.
experiences where they were in the room alone, got the injection for the ketamine, completely left alone, no integration, no support, had a, you know, difficult time on the medicine and then don't know what to do with that experience. And so, like, we can take it even down and darker, you know, to, like, people just being left in rooms alone on the medicine with no.
Anything, right? So I'm, I'm just so thankful that you're, you know, creating a movement to talk about these things and to, uh, change the paradigm of the capitalism of healing, right?
Shane Norte: Yeah, yeah, definitely. Cause like I said, um, to me, it just doesn't make sense, you know, and, and obviously, you know, I'm, I'm where I'm at position to where I don't need to make the excuse to like, I need to make money, but, um.
I just don't think that's cool. You know, like I said, if you're a real, if you're an organization that wants to help create something around free access, you know, if you try to create money, like create money for free access and not just for select people for anybody, for anybody, if you If this person over here can't afford 2, 000, 3, 900, or they can't just leave their family and fly down to Peru or wherever these treatments are at or whatever, like, provide free access, you know, for myself, like I said, that's what we do.
We give free access and when people need help, they need to fly. They need gas. They need advice. People need to do that. That's one movement that I'm trying to create now. So, um, the free access Um, I've noticed every organization, whether it be military, whether it be BIPOC, whether it be LGBTQ, whether it be native, whether it be Hispanic, any of them, it's like, I feel like they're still dividing to a degree.
I'm not saying that's their core tactic, but in a way, if I'm saying, Hey, I only want to work with SF vets. I only want to work with these type of vets. You got to be an SF. You got to be that. And I'm like, I get it. But at the same time, what about the other people that don't Have that that criteria or like, for instance, let's say someone who there's a BIPOC one.
We're like, oh, we want to support BIPOC this and that. And it's like, what if someone just doesn't vibe with that? And they don't even care about that. They just want help. They just want this or they don't fit this org's, um, you know, model or whatever they're trying to go for. And for me, I'm like, That drives people away too, you know what I mean?
Or saying we're just queer only, and I'm not saying that's bad, I'm just saying it drives people away who, not necessarily there to tear it down or talk about it in a bad way, but they're just saying like, they don't even want it to be categorized in that, why can't it just be healing? Why does it have to be specifically this, specifically this, specifically blacks?
It's like, to me, I'm like, it's like I said, church of the people, it's not, Church of Blacks, not Church of the Whites, not Church of the Natives, not Church of the LGBTQs. It's people. We're all people. And that's where I'm trying to hope again with the free access is to give that because I feel like people are still dividing people with whatever they're doing.
You know, not, not everyone's bringing everybody in. Hey, you know what I mean? Everybody's like, I only want this group or that group or that group, or I only want groups that vibe collectively with these pit tits, you know, these little nit bits. And I'm just like, what kind
Nicole: of healing is that?
Which I think is hitting on, you know, one of the pieces you talked about for that ceremony that you had, you know, the community aspect.
I think that's a huge piece. That's not really talked about within the healing nature and my God, especially within my field where it's very individualistic. You sit down with this individual therapist and do this sort of work expecting change on that level when change happens on a larger society.
Stomach, community level. And so I feel like that's what you're hitting on, that bringing in our, you know, commonality is people that need healing under these systems, right?
Shane Norte: And seeing the fact too, that it's hard. See, that's one thing I don't like about a lot of these psychedelic, uh, orgs or movements. And it's like they, I'm not to sit here and dis on love.
This is one thing I want people to not dis hear my words. I'm not discrediting love, I'm not discrediting peace. I'm not discrediting any of that. But I always tell people. To get healthy. It doesn't feel good at first. If I'm a heroin addict, it sucks to lose that needle. If I'm a drunk, it sucks to have to put that bottle down.
If I'm fat out of shape, I want to lose weight. It's going to suck to give up chili cheese dogs and burgers. So it's like to get healthy. It kind of hurts. It kind of hurts at first and it doesn't always feel good. Obviously, when you get past the hurdles and you get to a level of neutrality of getting healthy, whether it's mentally, physically, spiritually, it's like, Yeah, it will be better, but the road there before you get to that plateau, it's a little rough for anyone who's recovering addict, anyone who's healed, whether it's any addiction, anything, it's like, they'll tell you before they got better.
It was pretty worse, you know, and I feel like a lot of the, uh, Psychedelic spaces. They don't talk about that enough. People need to go through this and not everybody gets gut checked humbly. Meaning like some people hang out with people that like boost their ego or like boost their own bullshit. Right?
Like some people will think they're full of good things when it's like. You could just be around people that are gassing up bullshit, you know what I mean, just because you sound good, or you got this or that, like, you don't think people are playing into your ego, or you don't think people are using you where you're at in your field, rather than like, being your real friend or actually acknowledging who you really are outside of, like, What they want to use, you know, and so that's kind of where I'm saying, um, you know, I'm just hoping again, just people can see the graphs of we need to kind of get humbled in a good way and not humble with love.
I feel like that's gonna come after once we do our part as human beings and take care of the earth and ourselves and our communities and our families the way that we need to. Oh, man, all that love and all that shit's gonna radiate. But it's like until we solve these human issues, whether it's Our water, our land, how we treat the land, how we walk on the land, how we treat people on the land, how we treat the animals, the air, our own communities.
It's like, we're not going to change, you know, and that's what I'm hoping with the church to branch with all these people is to say, you could do what you want, but collectively as human beings, we all live here and we all are stewards and have responsibilities to take care of this earth. And it's not a bad thing to do that and to rally around doing that.
You know what I mean? It's I'd rather rally around helping the earth. Then how can we make more money out of these people's trauma? How can we like. Sophisticately extract these people's trauma to mean you can get rich. I'd rather be like, hey, how can we collectively, you know, help with this water or help get these people food or help this person who may be thinking of suicide or is on drugs or it's homeless or like, that's the stuff I want to talk to people about not changing the exchange.
I come from a billion dollar tribe. So it's like, my tribe already makes billions of dollars and we have the biggest bottling plants in the California arrowhead. So it's like, We have all these amenities where people want to talk about money and success. It's like Morongo has already done that. So for me, I'm like, I'm beyond all that.
I want to help people. You know, I want to create that space, not create the space to make money, you know, that's all people are doing is they're creating space to make money and they're using all these word salads and they're using people. And I'm just like, okay,
Nicole: yeah, yeah, it can be scary, right? To think about the people that have the power and are creating the paradigms and the control over who has access to these medicines.
Right. And all of that.
Shane Norte: That's why we're kind of. Yeah. Going at it with Bronner's team and all them because they were still trying to, you know, push for the, you know, the, the pod and all that. And for me, I'm like, at the end of the day, it's still not good. You know, you got a big farm in Texas. Okay. And now, you know, all these doctors, you know, all these universities.
So it's like, now you got this guy Sandor, who's Says he's gonna help with the peyote. And this is that I don't I don't know whether he is or not, but I'm just gonna sit here and say that it's not like Bronner and them are going to every native tribe and saying, Hey, we got a peyote farm and we can offer you guys this peyote.
I bet you before that ever happens. There is talks between maps, john Hopkins and all these other places that can really benefit off of synthetic masculine and be profited and patented and sold and whatever else they want to do. So for me, yeah, I'm not saying it's good or bad, but it's definitely not honoring the peyote.
It's definitely not honoring the indigenous people and it's not honoring the message of helping people, you know, so I'll leave it at that. But that's where I was just expressing of there's all that out there. Everyone's doing everything out there to do this and that. Just like how some places are parenting, you know, certain ways to do medicine or certain ways to have ceremony and.
It's just kind of getting wild, you know, and like I said, no one's talking about the natural stuff. Everyone will tell you, hey, go pay 10 grand and go out here. This is the thing. And you got a salmon plate. You got yoga in the morning. You get a rose bath, get some silk pillows, you know, you get a head massage and I'm like.
That's cool. But where is the healing to me? It's not like going on vacation to me. It's not like you're on vacation. I don't see no humility or humbleness in that other than like someone who's going to like a Hawaii resort or going down to Cuba, Columbia, the Bahamas, anywhere. It's like, that's what I see when I see these, you know, I don't see people like myself going there or my whole reservation.
You know, I don't see them come into our doors. That's why I laugh when everyone. Thanks. Talks about natives and this and that in this space. And I'm like, I ain't never seen you guys come to my res. I ain't never seen you guys come over here, you know, other than me reaching out to you, but it's like, you guys are never, you know, come out here and that's where I kind of find the whole native things that joke too, you know, because it's like a lot of people will just use it for cloud, like, or they'll use the bud word, sacred, indigenous, creator, mother earth.
I've seen it, you know, before this whole psychedelic movement, I was on the front lines, you know, I did, you know, six plus years in the native movement fighting, you know, billion dollar extraction mining companies, Rio Tinto, you know, DAPL, you know, all these different things. And that's another thing that showed me, too, is like, most people will not stand up for the water like that.
Most people will not stand up for the earth. They say the earth is sacred, but it's like, will you get shot for water? Will you go to jail for your land? Will you die for your, your water, your air, your land? It's like, I don't, I don't think so. You know what I mean? The natives already proved that a long time ago, but it's like, I don't know about the common, uh, people, you know, they're fighting over, you know, writing scripts and this and that when it's like, you should be demanding water rights and air rights and right to be human being before a fucking script or a fucking this, like.
It's kind of weird.
Nicole: Yeah, it is. And I appreciate you naming that because I think more people need to hear that, right? The ways that these power structures are, you know, directly attacking the earth, our ability to access community and medicines.
Shane Norte: Right. No, that's, that's one thing I try to tell the people who come to the church is like, it should be an all out, not saying an all out war, but.
These corporations have declared war on our humanity, our water, our air, our land, our food, our communities. And if all those are under attack, it's like something needs to be said, you know. I always say, like I said, if all the people can rally together like that, man, water should be way more important to you than that.
You know, kids need it. Everything needs it. The plants, the mountains, everything, everything needs water, you know. And that's where I, you know, like I said, I'm hoping with the whole greater whole of this. With the church and the people we know, I'm hoping that neutrals out to this whole, this whole movement because there are shakers and players out there that couldn't do things, you know, that can get the ball moving, not just with what we're talking here, but like what we're saying earlier with natural medicine, more natural communities, you know, more natural healing, free access, all of it, you know, all these things can begin push, you know, but For some reason, it's like all these buzzwords, all these other things, they keep going.
And for me, I've had them all come to my church. You know, I've had all these people who have come with these integrations, this breath work and the sound bowls and this hot bay and you name it, they've all came and none of its work. And I'm not saying it like that. I'm just saying it's not the container to do it.
It'd be like It's like a giraffe trying to give a polar bear advice on how to live in its environment. It's like, bro, you might have good advice, but do you not realize I'm in the ocean, uh, frozen ocean water and the ice and you're over here in the. you know, desert type hot environment. So to me, I'm like, it's not to say the drafts advice isn't good to the polar bear.
It just doesn't fit in its space, you know, and that's what I mean by when people have all the sound bowls and the hot bay and all this and the breath works. It's not to say that it's not work. It's just, it's in the wrong environment, especially when, uh, your spirit is going through a whole shift and like that, you know, it's like, That should come after your spirit comes, but as your spirits going through its shift, I just don't believe that that's good for you.
Cause to me, it's like, why are you doing that? You know, I've noticed people who've done, like I've seen people who've taken 15 grams. And they think a hot pay is going to bring them back and they end up falling over and puking and like going into a worse spin. And I'm like, I told you, like, you're over here telling me how hot page is clears your head and it just grounds you.
And it just makes your life that much better. Well, why are you throwing up and over here telling me? It just made you worse. You know, like, it gets like this story. I always tell some of my friends a story. It's about, um, the coyote in the mountain lion. So the mountain lion was in his den and it was raining pouring and he saw the coyote and saw that the coyote couldn't get no food, you know, and coyote was trying to hunt.
He's doing everything he could, but no food. And so the mountain lion was like, Hey, you know, come into my lodge, I'll make you some food. I noticed you couldn't eat. And so as they're talking and whatnot, he gets the fire going and he gets it all going. And then, uh, the mountain lion cuts a piece off of his leg.
And he throws it on the fire and, and they're just talking, you know, and then he gives, uh, the coyote his food and as they're talking, he's like, Hey, wait a minute. He's like, I just saw you cut a piece of your leg off and put it in the fire. And he's like, you're not bleeding. Nothing's wrong with you, you know, and basically he goes, well.
This is my gift like creator gave me this gift, you know, and this is what I can do and so the coyote is like, well, creator gave me gifts to creator gave me gifts. I could do things too. So, and he took the knife and he cuts it and he throws it in there, but then he starts bleeding and bleeding all over.
And he's like, what's going on? What's going on? And then, uh, Mountain line goes over to him and fixes him and he goes, see, like I can do this and you can't, which is basically by saying, like, just know your place, know your place where you're at and do with what you can do. Don't try to do something that you're not supposed to do or putting something to where it doesn't need to be, you know, and that's where I'm trying to get it with.
All these things that are people are doing. It's like they're throwing it in a mash pot. And for me, just oil and water don't mix. And it trips me out how modern people, they still don't get that, you know, people feel like, Oh, I got to show you this. I got to bring this. Can I bring this in here? Can I bring that in there?
And I'm like, You guys need to understand that these ways are old and they've been teaching humans how to be on this earth way before some of these instruments even came down south. Let's tell people you think about a fire fire is old. It's in every human's DNA before electric before and it doesn't matter if you're, you know, gypsy doesn't matter if you're from Greenland and from China from Africa from here.
Fire was there for people, you know, in the worst and the best times, whether they cook or they needed to light their, their, their home, their dwelling, whatever, you know, ceremonies, you name it. So like I say, A fire is key to everyone's being and that's, that's kind of where I keep thinking that, uh, people should see that rather than like, oh, I went to the ceremony and maybe I should bring this in or can I bring my sound bowl in?
Or I know this song. Can I play it too? And it's like, just take it easy. No one's saying you're wrong. No one's saying that that's wrong. We're just saying that this has its environment and it should be kept in its environment. You know, just like if you take a polar bear and you drop him in Death Valley, he ain't going to make it that long.
Yeah. That's how I feel with everyone trying to put things where they don't need to be. It's like, it's not going to last that long. The only reason why this has feet right now is because of the money. You know, that's the way I see it. Like the reality of it. Obviously, there's good people out there like you, myself and other people that I know, but I feel like what's keeping it relevant is obviously the money and the funding and this, but there's no structure of a true foundation that's holding it up in all this mix.
And that's why I like the church because it's like we are, we are working with all these people and holding up and all this mashup. And I think people need to look at that more in exchange. Stories and look at it and not look at it as like, oh, man, these are just some Indians or, oh, they're just ruthless or there's this that because I even feel that in my ceremony.
It's like, you know, when they talk about like, uh, racism or generational racism, whatever it may be. Um, I feel that sometimes not just for myself. But from other people, because like I said, if chances are, if you don't have a native friend, or you've never been around natives, you only know about native through like history, Hollywood, or like some stuff.
And most people are like, oh man, natives were savages, natives were killers, natives were this, natives were that, they're on a reservation, they're on that. So it's like, when I see people come to where we're at, it's like, I can already see, you know, stiffened up, little, you know, this, that, however they want to be, you know, the body language, everything speaks for itself.
And it's like. We're good people, you know, we're good people. Look at you're coming here to our land. To get help, like, how can you not see that in your own being, like, if we were what you thought we were, this wouldn't even be happening. It's like, we're trying to bridge this gap. And I want people to see that because I always feel like people talk so much about racism.
And it's like, I don't ever hear about native racism. You know what I mean? It's like, I always tell people like. You'll hear about all of it, but it's like, I still feel it today as a native man, my, my wife still feels it. I feel my kids, my family, we feel it in other places, but it's like, it's kind of like the, uh, the untalked about, you know, stepchild or something, you know what I mean?
Like, Oh, we don't want to talk about that one. You know, we don't want to mention that one, but we'll, we'll talk about that one and this one and that one, but oh man, leave that one in the basement. Just, we don't want to talk about that one. And it's like, yeah. Well, you should because this applies to all of us, you know, where you're at now stemmed here, you know, I always tell people like original racism and all that trading.
I tell people we're getting traded before black people were getting traded. You know, we're already getting traded to the queen making human zoos out of us. All these things are going on, you know what I mean? And so I'm just telling people, you know, like, uh, some of those things I still feel today, even in the psychedelic space, I feel heavily when I pull up with my staff and I pull up and I'm just like, what, like, Y'all should be proud that a real native's here to offer his space and offer his knowledge instead of looking at it as a threat or just being uncomfortable because you've never met a native or you've never seen a fucking native in front of your face in his being.
It's like It's just kind of, sometimes it rubs me wrong. Cause I'm like, I'm here to help. Like, I want to help you guys. Like, I'm not here to be mean, you know, I'm not here to pick on anyone. Like if anything, I'm going to, I'm going to talk crap about the organizations that can help people and don't, yeah, I will say there are organizations that have money and know people that are just being ignorant and they're holding back.
Really helping people. I will say those, but for good people. No, I support good people all day, you know.
Nicole: Mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm. That, and then, like you said earlier, right, buzzwords. Here, look, let me use this pretty buzzword and then use, like, the cultural appropriation of these practices or trying to put, you know, like you said, the giraffe and the polar bear on top of this, right?
Shane Norte: Right. No, thank you for seeing that because sometimes I don't know how to say it other than how I say it little things, you know, because I believe people think they're, you know, given good intentions, but it's like, Hey, take it easy, man, or whoever, you know, just take it easy because. It's okay to say you don't know yourself, you know, just because you read things online or you have this or that.
It's like you don't have to be that way. I mean, I could be that way. I'm never that way of people like on their journeys, or I could be that old grandpa Indian and just tell people like, you need to get your shit together and you need to stop fucking around. You need to get serious with this shit, but it's like, you know, I'm not that way.
I'm like, Hey, you know, come on. We got this. All right. You know, we mess up. We're humans. We're all in a collective mosh pit of trauma. Well, you know, so it's like, I try to resonate with people, but it's like, if we're serious, people are just messing around and they need to pick it up. You know what I mean?
Cause I feel like the real healing is. Getting down to it. And then, you can make up any word you want, you know what I mean? That's how it looks like. Get the shit down and then didn't didn't make up all you want. At least it'll be credited because I feel like a lot of this stuff. It's like a glass house, you know, because once it really comes to the real deal, you go nowhere, you know what I mean?
But it's like creator, mother earth, family, community. That everybody has that, even if they're alone, it's like you still have family, friends, you might be alone in your own mind, but you're not alone, you know, and that's where I keep saying, like, I wish people can get there, you know, to where we can collectively come together, you know, I think it is.
I think it will be, you know, people like us and other people who want to continue to. Spread good messages and open up the door for people to share their message in a good way, you know,
Nicole: yeah, I agree I think that people are waking up people are, you know, taking new perspectives to things But I mean even just channeling back to what you said earlier about the discomfort of growth though, you know you're saying what you're saying and I'm like, yes, you know, but But someone hears that and they get uncomfortable because they're like, Oh, me, I'm, I'm doing a wrong thing.
Oh, no, you know, and go into that space of defense and then, you know, choose to not sit in that discomfort of growth to expand beyond that. Right?
Shane Norte: Exactly. No, that's one thing that I see, because like I said, I sat with Navy SEALs, I sat with UC fighters, NFL people, you know, people that are considered tough in their own arenas.
Right? And. Every time, you know, break, you know, and like, it's like what you're saying though, because, you know, yeah, you can get punched in the face, you know, you can, you can shoot somebody, you can go tackle someone, but it's like, that doesn't stop the truth from like, you know, it's like, okay, when the truth hits you, what are you going to shoot your way out of it?
What are you going to punch your way out of it? What are you going to It's like, no, it's still going to be there, you know, and it doesn't matter how tough you are, or like, how many people you killed, or how many people you beat up, or how many NFL bowl rings you have, whatever it may be, it's like, you're still a human, and you have feelings, and you have a heart, and you have a mind, and like I said, uh, I just feel like a lot of people, they don't sit with that, because they, you know, a lot of people, whether it's drugs, You know, go get the same coffee every morning, you know, whatever it may be.
Everyone has their own thing to kind of not deal with the reality of things. You know what I mean? And you know, some people go to therapy, some people pay a hundred thousand dollars, go to therapy and still are like, and that's where I'm saying like, you know, people start sitting with them. That's why I like the warm kitchen, the medicine.
It makes you sick because even if you leave, it's like, where are you going to go? You can't unsee and feel what you just seen and felt in there. Like, you can go home, you can go lay with your dogs, you can go on a hike tomorrow, you can go fly across the world. It's still not going to change what you just saw and felt.
And that's where I think, uh, like you said, that scares people, that's uncomfortable because most people are like, oh man, like. They have their pre set up, you know what I mean? So it's like when the medicine comes, not only in a spiritual, but even in your brain, you think of like how the chemicals shift up your brain, shake up your brain, unlock your brain.
So it's like, most people haven't even had a, a fucking brain shake up like that since they were a kid, you know, since they had their first Christmas or they had their favorite candy or their mom came home with their favorite food or whatever, you know, but it's like most people, they plateau because they got work, they got kids, they're into this.
Life problems is like their brain is at this, like, I don't know. I just feel like the chemicals are out of whack, you know? And then once that medicine hits, it allows the brain to equalize and come back and, oh, fuck, you know, I can fucking breathe. I know what I got to do. I got to fucking put this bottle down or I got to stop fucking going casino.
I got to stop fucking whatever it may be. You know what I mean? But that's going to be on you because you can still see it like, ah, whatever, you know what some people do, you know, it's true.
Nicole: Right. And then continue to go back to the medicine and not integrate.
Shane Norte: They're like, I'll just wait till next year and I'll do my one or two time a year thing.
And then I'm back to the grind back to the back to the meat grinder. And I'm like. Okay. What healing is that?
Nicole: Totally. Totally. Or I've even seen ads for, you know, the medicines of, of how to help with capitalism and boost productivity. And I'm like, Oh God,
I know. Right. What do we just, yeah, it's, uh, it's, uh, it's a problem. Um, yeah, I'm just, I mean, they, they, uh, one of my supervisors had talked about how they, um, show the imbalances, um, Of your life really clearly and how, like you said, that can be hard for people to sit with. And like, what does that next step mean?
You know, I'm thinking about, you know, you talked about that first ceremony after your dad's passing and, and how sudden his passing was. Right. And, and you said that it helped you to release. I'd be curious if you could share with the listeners, you know, like, what were you experiencing in that moment? For maybe someone who has never been on the medicines, right?
We don't know who's listening to this. Like, what was that experience like for you?
Shane Norte: It was just like reliving everything with my dad, like mentally just going through it and then also spiritually just letting it go, you know, like, you know, cause this is one thing I always tell people, you know, not everyone always has.
You know, the bad mom or the bad dad, you know, so for me, I would say that I had a great dad, you know, my dad was there, he was always present, took care of us, he has seven kids, you know, and, uh, he was always there, you know, he never had to work, you know, he never had to do any of that, you know, always took care of us, was always there, got us to all our games, you know, got us whatever we wanted, you know, did our sports, everything that we needed, that a father needed to be, so for me, it was like, I was just reliving it because I knew that he was gone, so it was like, I got to just have that moment because in our way, it's like, When you go, you're supposed to let them go.
Cause in the reality, they're not here. Like they're on their journey. Their, their journey is to be out here. Their journey here is no longer here. They had it. They already were walking, living, seeing, touching. So it's like, now you got to let them go. Cause, uh, when our way, it's like. It's very selfish of you to not understand that they're starting their next life and that that's their next life and that you already had your time here and now it's time to let them go and to let them go in a good way, not just, like I said, not just throwing dirt on a casket and in a, in a body and in a fucking nasty ass casket with all these chemicals and no, no, it was like, it was good to just say, you know, I love you, dad.
Thank you for my life. Thank you for the time. And just, just go and have a good time and, and I'm okay, you know, thank you for my, my son, you know, I have a son now, I have a daughter, so like, you gave me life, you know, and I for that. It was just an honor to let him go like that. And I felt so much better because it was like, I did my dad justice.
I didn't just fucking, like I said, throw dirt, go cry in the room and like, Oh, fuck that. Oh, fucking wish you were here dad. Oh, fucking get drunk or whatever may have bleeded out of that. You know what I mean? Or just fucking be mad for years and be like, Oh, my fucking, they get to say bye. And so it just felt good to just be able to do that.
Cause I know when people do that, when they go and see. their loved one embalmed, that itself is traumatic. That itself can sit in their head, you know what I mean? That can play in their head, you know? And like I said, I, you know, in the rez, I've been to a lot of funerals and it ain't good to see an embalmed body.
You know what I mean? And so for me, that's why, you know, I liked it because in that moment it felt good and I was able to release. And I was like, I'm glad we had these ways, you know, because even for us, we used to cremate. We never did any of the stuff we did today. And, uh, so for me, I realized that we had these ways because they mentally, physically and spiritually prepped you.
You know, when someone dies, that shit's hard in here on the body and on the spirit. So it's like, just like if you go to war and you kill someone that's tough on here on the body. Right. And if you don't have a way to release and heal, that's going to stick with you and lead to so many things. And so that's where I keep saying that, uh, that's what I felt.
I felt just released and I felt just okay to accept my dad's death and not look at it as a bad thing or look at it as something that just sucks. Because I know a lot of people, when people die, that's how they look at it. Like, oh, fucking God damn it. I wasn't there. I didn't say goodbye. I didn't even go to the funeral, like whatever.
Whatever that is. So many things people have, you know, and so that's where I, you know, I said it felt good and I still feel good, you know, and miss him every day, but I'm glad that I was able to have that ceremony for him and pray for him, you know, and give him that that go, you know, because I know some people they don't have that.
And to me, I'm not saying it's good or bad, but I feel like that would help on both ends of the party for family and the one that went. For anybody who did something like that, you know what I mean?
Nicole: Mm hmm. Yeah, what an honor to your dad and the ways that he impacted your life, right? And that continual release, right?
The tears that you were just having in that moment there, right? Like there's that continual release. I'm glad you had that space and I'm glad you have the community. Right. That was so important. That moment when you were looking around and, and how did that sit with you in terms of the grief process and, and the medicines in general, the community aspect?
Shane Norte: It was good. Cause like I said, um, you know, at least natives and the ones that I know, ones that I pray with, uh, it's like, we get it, you know, not to say that we know how we're going to release or how we're going to, uh, you know, show those emotions or whatnot, but we get it as far as like doing it, you know, as far as where we come from, cause we all come from.
You know, backgrounds, you know, it's like I was telling my, uh, my vet bro, he's, uh, he's active duty in military and he was just telling me how many people that he's, you know, killed in the line of duty and how it, you know, it doesn't always sit well with him and things like that. I was telling him, like, I was like, I've never been to combat or anything outside, but as far as the reservation goes, there's so much death.
I was all so much suicide, so much opioid addictions, just car crashes. People just messing around. And, uh, so I was just telling them, you know, like we come from it, you know, like we, we know what it is. I was telling people, it doesn't matter if you shoot someone in the head or you watch someone deteriorate from cancer.
It's like, when they go, they go, humans just like to brutalize it. It doesn't matter what happened. You fucking go. So to me, I'm like, death is dead. It doesn't matter if you. seen it through a barrel or you've seen it through a damn overdose or a car accident. I'm like, it's just death period, you know? And so that's what I was telling him.
Like, you know, we come from that and that's not going to be proud of. I'm just saying, like, it's given us strength because I've seen people that don't deal with death well, and they go to death and they lead with death and they run with death. And for me, I'm like, It's not good. You know, it's not good. And that's where I keep saying that in that moment.
That's what made me feel good to know that I come from people that have seen their loved ones, you know, whether it was suicide or, you know, fentanyl overdose or have to go, you know, discover their body burnt in a car, whatever it may be. It's like I knew all my people here. They come from real shit and they weren't going to bend or budge and yeah, it felt really good because like I said, like what you're saying about being left alone, I can imagine like if I went somewhere and I got fucking dosed up and I'm just left there like, yeah, it's scary.
Nicole: Yeah. Absolutely. Right. And I think that's part of the nature of the therapy side, right? You put the diagnosis on the individual. We work on this individual. I mean, I love to talk shit about psychology and therapy. So I'd be curious if you have any thoughts about, yeah, the paradigms of healing that are so individualistic and, uh, how those are connected to psychedelic medicines.
Shane Norte: Yeah, like you're saying, this all goes down to individualists, you know, small, you know, this is what you got, this is this, this is that, and we're gonna go from here, and it's all like, it's just so stiff, you know what I mean, it's just like, sit in my chair, and let me judge you, let me tell you here, and You don't even know my life, you know, but let me let me judge you real quick over here.
And yeah, you're all right. Yeah. Oh, well, I'm just like, it's the same thing as psychedelics. Oh, yeah. Well, you're this you're that. Okay. Is this retreat? Here's Oh, here's ketamine. Here's LSD. And I'm just like, okay, you know, like, you can't actually just See someone for who they are. You're automatically just diagnosing them or throwing something at him or saying, Hey, do this.
But, yeah, I think, uh, definitely it's both sides as far as, like you said, just. Bringing people down into single individual categories and then just like, they either make it or don't. And for me, I'm like, what the hell?
Nicole: Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you trying to work in that system to change it because I think it's absurd, right?
To not see the individual in the larger system. To see the individual under the systems of oppression like capitalism, right? All these pieces that are impacting us and to put it back on the person. And then just even to think about what the whole field is doing in general, like, I mean, we want to think that it's all people trying to help, right?
That's what we want to believe. But when we think about just the idea of diagnosis, we've put so much power in our systems into a certain individual who gets to decide what is health. And what is not, which is a really interesting paradigm when you think about that, like who gets to determine health and diagnosis and then healing.
Like, that's just a very interesting paradigm.
Shane Norte: Right. No, that's one reason why I always tell people like, I never claimed this is going to fix you. I never claimed that. This is a cure. All this is just to show you yourself, you know, because most people don't ever look at themselves in a right way. So, like I said, and after that, that's on you.
It interests me how, like we're saying, someone can easily be like, yep, yep. And it's like, bro, that's not even what it was. Like, I just need to talk. And just have a real conversation. You just gave me a fucking, you know, a downer or a fucking this or that. And now I'm fucking, I really am losing it.
Nicole: And I think there needs to be more conversation about the need for community in all aspects of our healing because it's frequently again, yeah, the individual here's the pill versus, Hey, what about the systems?
Where's your community? Are they sitting with you when you're going through grief, opening ourselves up to other paradigms, I think will, will hopefully change that system, but. But yeah, we're up against a large system like with Mitch, uh, so much money that is controlling access to these medicines and access to these paradigms.
And so I think that's why I'm really thankful when people like you are willing to come onto the podcast and share your time and energy in this. space with the listeners to hopefully help them expand and see things in a different way and, and challenge the paradigms that they've been sold.
Shane Norte: The space needs some real big shaking up.
Like everyone thinks it's shook it up right now, but I'm like, how? Money, science, and everyone making up words. How is that? That is just every human does that every, every trend, every time in history, humans. Fucking hive mind and come up with something. And for me, I'm like, we've been doing this shit. It's on our rocks.
It's in our stories. Uh, Marina Sabina is not the only one, you know, all these things that have been here before integration, uh, psychedelic, uh, all these words, it's like, we've been doing this before a human even thought of these words. And that's why I'm trying to like, say. People should see that rather than like, Oh, you don't have credentials or you didn't go to school or you're not with such and such.
And it's like, motherfucker, if you came here, your shit would just evaporate like fucking steam in a hot fucking pan. So it's like, where does your stuff come from? A bunch of biased, rich, you know, studies and fields of work. It's like, okay, if, if I had rich friends. We could easily make something up and, and all agree upon it and be like, you don't fucking know, but it's like, that doesn't mean we're smart.
Nicole: Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean, it's, it's radical to think for me that people are like, Oh, the field of psychology says, uh, well, wait, the field of psychology was created. What? Like a hundred years ago by Freud and these original thinkers, but like, there were people much. Before that, that had ideas and concepts about healing and wellbeing and pain.
And then even, you know, beyond that, like we're all evidence based practice, evidence based things. What about time based things that have existed before we started doing research? Like, what about that? paradigm. I mean, like you're saying that gets thrown out the window, but I think we need a radical reshaking to ask the questions of who created that paradigm, who has the power in that paradigm to determine truth or not.
Right. And like you said, it started with white men.
Shane Norte: Yeah, definitely. You know, and that's where I think, um, people should see that's where a majority of psychedelics are still, you know, even if you got like lower, you know, people within the field of the web, it's like, Still, these white influencers still trickle down to them somehow, some way, whether it's their words, whether it's a sponsor, whether it's an org, whether it's just them being in the whole web, it's like, Somehow, some way these have trickled down, you know, even if you're a black owned or this or that it's like somehow some way these are still in your circle, you know what I mean?
And if not, you know, people who are around it who are slowly involved, you know, I've noticed that many circles usually have people within, you know, maps, compass, you know, all these different places. And if they don't, they know friends. So. We need this community of earth based people because at the end of the day, they're making what they wanted to make.
And if they want, they're going to dismantle it how they want to dismantle it or discombobulate it how they want to discombobulate it. And what we're talking about the people, if we're strong and that they can't touch that, you know, touch people, you know.
Nicole: Yes, absolutely. Power never wants to give up power.
But when we think about the collective coming together and the amount of us, right, I think there's a lot of power there when we work together, like you've been saying throughout this episode, you know, despite our differences, whatever those might be to come together to our oneness and our, our peopleness.
And so, I'd be curious, you know, sometimes I like to, towards the end of episodes, think about ways that we can work towards that collective movement and You know, some people might hear this conversation and then go into that. Oh, my God, everything's wrong. Everything's bad. It's all messed up. And then go into that freeze responsive.
I don't know how to change the system. So I'd be curious not to put all the responsibility on you, but do you have any ideas about some, you know, small movements people can take towards this collective action to get the bomb rolling?
Shane Norte: Yeah, no, I should. I felt the same way when I came into my, um. My awakening of who I was, I was like, are like, it's already, they already done made their print, like they already done.
But then, uh, as I started to move more, cause like you said, I, I did get that freeze. I was like, man, this shit is way bigger than me. Like too much bigger than me. I started thinking beyond me and I was like, okay, well, it's not just me here because the things that affect me. They affect the common people.
Not saying that they affect them, how they literally affect me, but in a neutral balance of things, it commonly affects everyone in the same neutral way. And so that's where I started to realize, like, you got to get out there. You just got to get out there. It doesn't matter. It's only one person, two, three, but you got to get out there.
You know, you just have to that. Cause that was me. Like I said, when I had my breakthrough, I literally printed like 600 copies of like my own little fucking, uh, like my own epiphany through when I did medicine. And, and that's what it was kind of like we're talking about just people coming together and it doesn't take billions of dollars to help the world, you know?
And so I spread it, you know, and then from there I started moving. So I think for anybody, first and foremost, you know, you should look within yourself. And, and find out where you stand within this, because some people, they don't even care. I fuckin the world is the world, I fuckin I like fuckin movies, I like the VR, I like my job, I fuckin like my Tesla, like, I don't even care.
But for those who do, like I said, um, take it in within yourself to find out yourself and where you stand with natural things, whether it's water, the air, your food, your community, and how your community stems around water, air, and food. You know, if it's not anything what you're looking for, like I said, make it for your own self to want good water, good food, good air, good community.
And when I mean by air, I'm talking like, you know, obviously there's places like if you live in downtown L. A., you can't fucking fight that. But you can find places to get some good air, whether it's find a hike, whether it's go to a good place, a place that's not so polluted by, you know, traffic, whatever.
But there's many things that people could do to find themselves. And then from there, I'd say, um, start looking at. Movements organizations, but I would say come at it with your own organic approach. Not so are they going to give me these types of perks or this type of like googly eyes type thing. It's like, no, go in it with your own.
Like, if you have a strong foundation of earth or a foundation of yourself, I'd say find it that way. Because then if that organization is not real. and can't handle that, then you're going to see it and you're going to feel it and they're going to not going to like you and decide to say something wrong with you.
But if someone doesn't like you because you want to be earth based and you're not for like all the jazz, like that doesn't mean you're a bad person. That just means this person. Needs to look at their natural aspects of how they view their life, you know, just because you're a natural based person doesn't mean you're wrong doesn't mean that, you know, you're, you're bad or your thoughts are wrong.
It's just saying that this person has some work to do and you need to continue to look for people because it did. It took me a while. I've been doing this for 10 years, you know, and it really started picking up about, you know, 4 years ago, you know what I mean? And so then, though, I was just traveling talking.
So, like I said, I think people should just, you know, ground themselves, find a good place to go. Whether it's, you know, if you want to do medicine or you don't, but, um, if you do want to do medicine, I think people, it's good to just find yourself because then when you do do medicine, at least you'll have a better assurance of yourself rather than kind of going through the wave and the whole spin cyclone thing, because at least if you are spinning, you're gonna be like, I know who I am in this spin.
You know, it's better to know yourself in a heavy journey than to be like, oh, my God, I don't even know where I'm at my own life. Or you know, I don't even know where I'm at my own life. Fuck, my bills aren't paid. Whatever it may be, whatever it gets to people, I just feel like if you have your ducks lined up It's a lot easier on you.
You don't have to have so much, you know, mental spin outs in the ceremony because you're just like
Nicole: Yeah, thank you for sharing that piece of action for the listeners and and thank you for sharing your time and your energy You know, those are valuable resources And so I really appreciate you sharing that with me and the listeners and if it feels good to you I I leave a little bit of space at the end To check in and make sure there wasn't anything that you wanted to say in this space that maybe we didn't hit through the conversation.
Otherwise, I have a closing question that I can guide us towards, but I always like to leave that space at the end too for the cast.
Shane Norte: Yeah, um, I think everything was covered real good. I think, um, I think people need to just stop giving credit to these goons, you know, it's, it's kind of gross because it's like, you know, it's like, you don't even know really who these people are.
Fact of the matter is, is the powers within the person, not a fucking rich person who's manipulating people through their constituents or their knowledge or their fucking PhD, whatever it may be, whatever the title they have. It's like, I've given these goons, you know, the credit because. Half of these goons don't even know what it is to be Earth based or have a true connection to Creator Mother Earth.
And I mean that, you know, because if they did I wouldn't be calling them goons.
Nicole: Yeah, and come together with your community to take that action, to take those steps, whatever it might be, right?
Shane Norte: Right.
Nicole: Well, if it feels good to you, I can guide us towards our closing question. Yes. Well, then the one question I ask every guest on the show is, what is one thing that you wish other people knew was more normal?
Shane Norte: I wish one thing that people knew that was more normal was that, uh, yourself You know, it has everything you need. There's nothing that's lacking within yourself as far as mentally, physically, and spiritually. It's just, you know, like we were saying earlier, just the environments that we're in has really, uh, put a lot on every human being to where they can't be the fool themselves.
And some people, you know, they do express themselves a lot, but I feel like people need to just look more within themselves, you know, and, and see the fact that, uh, we're here to do good things. And, uh, I think that's just, you know, where people need to just take it. Everyone has it. You don't have to always go to these things or this, you know, you have it in you and just make sure that, you know, you're around good people.
And I feel like, you know, it'll come out of anybody. Those people just need that, you know,
Nicole: they do. They do. And that's why I'm so incredibly grateful that you're doing this work, that you're sharing this message and you're, you know, impacting lives by the work that you're doing. Thank you.
Shane Norte: Thank you for what you're doing as well.
You know, I've heard a couple of them and it's cool, you know, it's always, I always like hearing other people. That's why I was telling my wife, I was like, man, it's just. Some people suck at questions, you know, or they have the same, like, mushroom question, or the same this, same that, and so I just tell my wife, like, I'm interested in this one because it seems like we'll have a little more discussion versus just the typical mushroom podcast or things that I hear.
Sure. That's good.
Nicole: I appreciate that. I mean, I have so many frustrations with the field of psychology, but if I can use any of my skills to create an exciting show, great. You know what I mean? It wasn't all lost. So yeah, so I really appreciate that. And is there anywhere you would want to plug for listeners who have connected with you, who have connected with your mission and want to support your organization?
organization. Where would they find your stuff? Yeah.
Shane Norte: Um, you just go to a church of the people for creator mother earth. com. You know, after you check it out, we're not, there'll be a contact us and um, yeah, my email will be on there and people could just email me and I'll get in contact through there. My email.
Nicole: Great. Thank you so much, Shane.
Shane Norte: Thank you. This is a good one.
Nicole: If you enjoyed today's episode, then leave us a five star review wherever you listen to your podcast. And head on over to ModernAnarchyPodcast. com to get resources and learn more about all the things we talked about on today's episode. I want to thank you for tuning in and I will see you all next week.